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E-Learning systems

A Fun and Dynamic Learning Experience

Are you looking for a new learning delivery solution that is not only easy to use but also provides real and efficient forms of trainings and development for your business?

ProfexX is an e-learning System that teaches your employees for every occasion. May it be a new product, a project or the necessary compliance training. ProfexX offers a wide variety of designs, learning games and keeps track on every employee’s learning process.

How does it work?

Simply create your companies account at ProfexXsite and choose the type of your teaching-field. Either you decide to choose from one of our ready designed e-learning modules and complete them with your own content OR we will design your individual e-learning programme in accordance to your requests and wishes.

The learning process doesn’t require a teacher which means many important hours can be saved; just include the e-learning tasks in between your employee’s working day. With it’s responsive design it can be used on every device and makes the studying even easier, faster and more fun!

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E-Learning systems: About
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